LHR concerned about threats to deport refugees who failed to register at Glenanda camp

Lawyers for Human Rights has been monitoring the situation at the Rifle Range Camp for victims of xenophobic attacks.  We are greatly concerned about the recent arrests of residents of the camp who refused to register and be issued with a temporary exemption permit under the Immigration Act. 

Although LHR sees the issuing of such permits as an important step towards the reintegration of foreign nationals into South African communities, we are concerned about the lack of information that was given to residents of the camp regarding the consequences of such permits.  Many of those who refused to register for the new permit were concerned about the consequences that registration may have on currently valid asylum seeker or refugee permits. 

This concern seems to be legitimate when reading the information that was provided to residents by the Department of Home Affairs.  Among the information was a clause that those registered were no longer eligible for social grants.  These social grants have become extremely important in the wake of violence that resulted in the destruction of personal possessions and tools for work.  Another disturbing part of the information was a threat of deportation of all those who did not register for the new permit. 

Asylum seekers and refugees in South Africa have claimed international protection from the South African government due to the risk of persecution they face in their countries of origin.  South African law does not permit the deportation of such individuals while their claims are still pending.  Expedited decision-making for the purposes of deporting such claimants is equally unlawful. 

LHR calls on the Department of Home Affairs to immediately stop the arrest and detention of persons who have not registered and the plans to deport such individuals.  We further call on the Minister of Home Affairs to once again allow non-governmental organizations to enter the camp and provide services and information to the residents. 

The South African government has had a long and unfortunate history in the treatment of foreign nationals in South Africa, including destruction of permits and arbitrary arrest by police officers, deportation of asylum seekers as well as long-term detentions at Lindela.  This is an opportunity for the South African government, and the Department of Home Affairs in particular, to work with the community rather than against it.  We have and continue to call on the Minister of Home Affairs to consult with civil society in a coordinate effort to resolve this situation. 

For more information, please contact:

Adv. Jacob van Garderen                     David Cote

Director                                                  Legal Counselor: Refugee and Migrant Rights Project

082-820-3960                                      072-628-7698